Become a recurring or one-time sponsor! /

  • donation of €25 ($30) allows for the transportation of 200kg (440 lbs) of relief supplies to Eastern Europe.
  • A donation of €30 ($36) allows us to heat the children’s home in Bazna, Romania, for a month in winter.
  • A donation of €60 ($73) provides a living wage for an employee at Ilawste Hospital in Ukraine for a month.

Online Giving:

/ provides us with a secure donation form free of charge. You will be asked whether you would like to support this service, which is free of charge for DHHN, with an additional donation directly to

Bank Account Giving:


Account holder: German Humanitarian Aid Nagold (Deutsche Humanitäre Hilfe Nagold)

Volksbank Nagoldtal

BLZ: 603 913 10

Konto: 67 888 2002


IBAN: DE04603913100678882002

Thank you on behalf of those in need!

No matter how you donate, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity towards those in need! Our mission is to utilize every cent to bring help where most needed. By entering your address, you allow us to send you a tax-deductible donation receipt at the beginning of the next year.

Volksbank Nagoldtal – BLZ: 64191030 – Konto: 8882002

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